Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What was that?

There are 2 articles on that Have me kind of scratching my head right now. The first one, Thanks for the Brain, Stupid implies that we are smarter because our human ancestors interbred with Neanderthal and acquired a gene for brain size that made us smarter. The author then goes on to say the gene is missing from African descendants, because there weren't very many Neanderthal in Africa. Do you see what's being implied here? 'Cause it really sounds to me like he's implying that white Europeans are smarter than Africans. I sure hope that's not the case.

The second one is an article entitled Doctor, There's a Lawyer in My Womb which is about the supreme court and partial birth abortions. So what I'm wondering is, should we have performed partial birth abortions on lawyers?



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