Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Monday, February 05, 2007

Another non-personal Apple post...

Again, Apple shows it's arrogance -- and I'm not referring to the "Apple doesn't need a major hardware upgrade to use the new OS", just look at a the previous posts to see all that I had to do to get my iMac up to speed for OS/X. No, this is all about the wonderful iPhone Lawsuit. Steve Jobs is trying to use something that doesn't belong to him -- again.

This isn't like his company name (the first time someone sued Apple for trademark infringement) -- The iPhone from Apple is a telephone, just like the Iphone from Linksys is a telephone. They may do things differently, but in the end, the main function is to let 2 people talk to each other. The solution to this whole mess was really simple, and could have easily been done -- before Jobs opened his mouth.

Call the stupid thing an iCell! The iMac isn't called the iComputer, even though that's what it is. The iPod isn't called the iPortable Music Player, even though that's what it is. So would it have killed them to call their new smart CELL phone the iCell instead of iPhone (especially since they knew the name was already used). But I'm sure Steve Jobs (who also flagrantly violated SEC regulations concerning stock option dating) decided he could do whatever he wanted to. Again. Except this time he's going up against someone more his size.

Better yet, just imagine if all those Cisco routers connecting the Internet suddenly started dropping traffic to and from apple machines...


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