Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Monday, June 25, 2007


OK, it's not a great name for a post, what can I say, but I do have to wonder about a few things concerning apple's new darling. The commercials look great, the fluid movement, the wonderful interface, the slick operating system, the "oh wow" factor is very high on this gadget. But what happens when you actually try to do some of this stuff in the real world? I'd be willing to bet it's all neato-keen like that when you're within range of a wireless hot spot -- but a lot of pocketpc and palm gadgets can be fun that way. What happens when you're left to try that tricky stuff on AT&T's network? How much extra will that cost you? Just how fast will it actually work? AT&T's wireless network is not very fast, especially compared to Verizon and Sprint (when you can find it). Have you tried to use graphic intensive sites with a dial up connection lately? I tried doing a few odds and ends with a phone-as-modem while on vacation, trust me, it was not an iPhone-like experience.

I guess the real score will be how many phones get returned in the first few months after the big release...


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