Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I have both Myspace and Facebook pages -- and I've noticed something. I really am too old for Facebook.

I made the mistake of commenting on a semi-religous group and then spent the next several days explaining it. The kids are certainly earnest -- but contrary to what they believe, they don't know half of what they think they do. Sure, they're book smart -- they know a lot of facts, and have listened to a lot of teachers tell them what they should know. I'm smart too (130 IQ is still a fairly decent one supposedly) and I've spent 42 years dealing with real people, with real problems and real experiences. I've seen the science and knowledge they trust in so much change, and flex, and bend everytime someone discovers someold fact is wrong. They really can't concieve of how fast things change, and yet how much things stay the same. They're kids who've always had computers with graphical user interfaces, never seen gas prices below a dollar, never watched breathlessly as a man walked on he moon. When I was their age, I suppose I thought a lot like they did, so I guess I'll give them a break.

But I'm too old to play their games anymore...


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