Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Friday, April 17, 2009

the "TEA" Parties

It's actually kind of strange -- watching everyone on FOX news acting as if they don't know why the main stream media was, at best, ignoring the tea parties and, at worst, leveling slanderous and insulting accusations against people that participated.

Barack Obama was the first president genuinely elected by the main stream media -- so they have an extremely large stake in him being successful. Large groups of people, across the entire nation, protesting his policies might lead middle of the road voters to wonder if the man is as wonderful as the main stream media told us he was. They have to play up all of of his good points, bury every mistake he makes, and try to discredit anyone who disagrees with him. As a result, you get "news reporters" turning into partisan commentators (people like Rush, Hannity, and O'Riley freely label themselves commentators - not impartial news reporters), news anchors making insulting sexual innuendos, and Janine Garofalo calling anyone who disagrees with Obama a racist.

They say that the participants don't know what the Boston Tea party was about -- presumptuous on their part, but I suppose to be a true repeat of the original, people should take a commodity that the government has placed outrageous taxes on -- cigarettes for example -- and throw them in the ocean as a protest. It will be harder to destroy items that will get slapped with a heavy carbon tax -- particularly electricity. Of course, had the main stream media reporters gone to the trouble to find out that TEA stood for Taxed Enough Already, instead of the actual commodity -- never mind, that would have taxed their objectivity too much...


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