This week's tirade:


You know what -- I'm against mistreating lesser creature for no useful purpose just as much as the next guy is. That's probably why I think hunting is such a useless activity most of the time. Mind you, I fully realize that there are people in this country that live healthy, happier lives because someone in thier family supplements thier food supply by hunting or fishing. But when Buck Wheezer spends $750 on a hunting trip, just so he can kill a turkey he could have bought for $17.50 at the local supermarket, that seems like a waste of time. 'It's the thrill of the chase' some say, others say 'It keeps the population healthy and thinned out, you wouldn't want more deer out there to jump in front of your car would you?' The last argument I can buy, to a point. But don't tell me you're hoping to keep the herd healthy, when you all shoot at the biggest, most impressive animal you can find. I'm sure killing off the biggest and most mature members of a herd is the best way to keep it healthy, don't you?

Now, having said that, let me say that the folks at Peta are just as looney as Ted Nugent. Anyone who is alive, or has love ones alive because of medicines tested on, or produced from animals -- drop out of Peta right away. Of course I assume all Peta members are vegetarians, and never wear leather (we know they don't wear fur...). I'm sorry, but a group more concerned with the treatment of animals than the treatment of human beings only gets so much sympathy in my book.

But what brings up this little tirade you may ask? Rats on TV. People on the TV show Survivor resorted to eating rats to live. OK, first of all, I believe it was the rats trying to eat them first -- so they're only getting even with them. But these Peta people don't have anything more worthwhile to protest about than this. Get a life.



Elian Again

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