Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Friday, November 10, 2006

The grass is always greener...

Now that democrats have won control of both houses there's renewed talk of socializing medicine and making sure everyone's covered. It works so well in other countries -- they spend less, and they're healthier. Right? Heaven knows the amount we spend for our families health insurance is positively insulting, it's so high. Absurdly high fees for stuff that shouldn't have any fee at all. One price for people with one insurance, another price for people with Medicare, and another (even higher) price for people without health insurance. So socialized medicine would be great.


My son was diagnosed in utero with a birth defect known as Dandy Walker syndrome. It's a fairly rare brain disorder, and most doctors know little about it. He has required some medical attention beyond that of a normal child, and he is a little developmentally delayed. He's also cheerful, happy, and despite being delayed in some aspects, he's pretty bright too. And, if we'd lived in England he would probably never have been born. This is not conjecture, this is from reports on the support boards from people in European countries with the wonderful socialized medicine programs. Sure they have lower infant mortality rates -- if you abort a child who might put a strain on the medical system before he's born, he won't mess up your high statistics. A lot of those European dandy walker kids have spent a lot of time in this country, and owe their lives to our outdated, inefficient, greed driven medical system.

Just something to think about...


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