Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Friday, March 02, 2007

Baracking the vote...

OK, I know it's early, but at this stage of the game I have to say I'm leaning towards Obama for President. The republican offerings are somewhat debatable (McCain would probably make a decent enough president, but he's got to get past Rudy G), but for the most part I'm just scared of Hillary. I mean, the naked ambition of the woman is plain dangerous -- she honestly seems to think the American people owe her the presidency. I tell you, if she loses it's going to make Faith Hill's eruption over Carrie Underwood seem trivial. This is a woman who gave up her dignity and self respect in order to further her political career (what else explains her staying with the scum ball womanizer she's married to?) This is also a lawyer with some very questionable business dealings in her history (any one remember Whitewater? It didn't hurt Bill because it was mostly Hillary's doing). She has always behaved as if she's somehow better than everyone, and if she's wrong it's not her fault. She lacks the "Ah Shucks" attitude that made her husband universally likable -- the only people who really seem to like Hillary are people like Hillary -- way too power hungry.

There's a good possibility that Obama is the same way, if so, he's got Hillary beat in not showing it. And maybe someone not so intensely entrenched in DC politics can at least shake things up a bit.

For a while...


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