Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bladerunner 3.0

Yes, after watching the original version countless times, and the updated directors cut a few more countless times, Ridley Scott is coming out with yet another version in time for the 25th anniversary of the maybe flawed, but fantastic original.

The original suffered(?) from a tacked on "happy ending" supplied by a voice over near the end of the film. Call me a sentimentalist, but I like a happy ending -- and when you erase it from the end of the directors cut, I'm not sure it makes a huge difference in how you feel about the film. Of course, if you've already seen the original, your subconcious probably adds that bit back in for you, so you still assume the happy end no longer explicitly shown.The directors cut also features a dreams sequence featuring a unicorn that Bladrunnerologists insist is a hidden clue that Decker himself is a replicant (the artificially created humanoids that play the bad guys in the film). Call me naive this time, but I don't see it -- nowhere else in the film are unicorns (or unicorn-like characteristics) associated with the replicants. I suppose it's a valid dramatic point -- use an unknowing replicant to kill the rouge replicants -- but I don't see how you get that from a unicorn dream.

Maybe version 3.o will tell you (coming out in theaters later this year)...


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