Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Friday, July 06, 2007

I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more...

I am officially tired of "W" now. Not so much because of what he's done, and only somewhat because of what he hasn't done -- mostly I'm tired of the incessant whining from every member of the "I hate George W. Bush Club". He commutes the sentence of Scooter Libby, and you'd think he just gave a full pardon to an ultra "Rich" tax cheat who fled the country to avoid prison. Even Bill "I lied while under oath and got caught" Clinton had to blast him on it (I guess he felt guilty for letting Susan McDougall rot in jail while she was covering his considerable ass).

I'm tired of the "He Lied About WMD Club" -- though I'm really glad Saddam didn't supply some of those shells he used to slaughter several thousand Kurds to the 9/11 guys.

I'm tired of the "He Gave Huge Tax Breaks To His Rich Friends Club" -- as if people in the lower middle and lower classes didn't get any breaks from it (my family has paid very little income tax for the past couple of years, thanks to the tax cut for the rich -- something we definitely aren't).

I'm tired of the "No Blood For Oil Club" -- still waiting for that cheap Iraqi oil to start flowing.

I'm tired of the "Impeach Bush Club" -- he didn't do what you wanted, he isn't doing what you want, he won't do what you want in the future -- but your guy lost, so get over it.

I'm tired of the "No Exit Strategy Club" -- OK, that's a club I'm considering supporting, if not joining myself. In a way this makes his father look both smarter than we thought -- and dumber that we thought. During the first Gulf War, Bush Sr. didn't go after Saddam -- probably because of the chaos we're seeing now. If you take out a dictator, you have to have a plan to put something else in. In Bush Sr.'s original war (WWII) Japan was left with a revised version of it's pre-war government, with the war criminals deleted -- in Germany, all of Europe had vested interest in seeing that their half was successfully brought back up to speed as well. Since then, Korea was a stalemate, Viet Nam was a loss -- W didn't really have a win to work from. There was no usable pre-Saddam government to use, and the surrounding countries don't want to see a secular Democratic Iraq -- so they're no help either. Bush Sr. saw this and opted for the lesser of evils. Of course, back then he had much more in the way of international support, and could have had a better chance of setting up an interim government to lead the way -- now it's nothing but terrorist on terrorist over there.

So I have to listen to this crap for what -- another year and a half? Does anyone have a time machine so I can skip all this? Does anyone have a better way to end this post???


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