Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Thank God we're safe now...

The National Intelligence Estimate says Iran isn't trying to build a nuclear bomb anymore. Hooray! That's what the MSM is saying anyway, I didn't read the report myself. I would like to know just what they estimate Iran is doing with all that Uranium they're enriching -- maybe it's just a training exercise for their physicists. Also, is this the same group that told us Iraq had WMDs? If that's the case, what makes this estimate so correct. Of course, I saw a news report stating that the Israelis believe that Iran is still trying for a bomb. Somehow I'd be more prone to trust a local country with a great deal at stake to have better intelligence than our group, who may be trying to suck up to the perceived future ruling party.

Maybe we're not as safe as we thought....

P.S. People not suffering from short attention span will recall that Iraq did have WMD's, because they used them on their own Kurdish population. The fact that they don't have them now should be a cause for concern, not gloating.


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