Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Prez can't win

George Bush. W. The guy in charge of the country. The guy who's the reason every thing's so bad. The guy who lied us into invading Iraq so he could get their oil (still waiting for that to happen). Apparently he's a Nazi now -- according to a article. And here's a really amusing one -- after slamming him for giving tax breaks to all his rich friends, he's being accused of causing they're net value to go down. Yes, the most rich-person friendly president ever is making life worse the the richest .05% of the American people. Our American wealthy have slipped to 5th in the world (after Asia, India, Russia and Bill Gates). The cost of being rich in America keeps going up, and it's all W's fault. I'm sure it has nothing to do with government regulations on things that rich people do. You know, the kind they only worry about in places like Hollywierd, Big east coast cities, big Midwest cities, big west coast cities, and anywhere there are free thinking (but be careful what you say though) colleges -- you know, where liberals tend to congregate. I bet they don't worry so much about such things in, oh, say Russia, or India, or Asia, or the Middle East -- or any basically less than free area of the world.

No, I'm sure it's all George's fault. It has to be.



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