Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Learn To Drive People!!

1: If you're being passed on the right side you're in the wrong lane. I don't care if you're eventually going to turn left.

2: The center lane of a 3 or 5 lane highway is for people turning left onto a side street, it is not a merge lane for people too impatient to wait for a safe interval to pull onto the highway.

3: I know my motorcycle is less than 3 ft wide -- I still have the right to the entire lane, you aren't allowed to squeeze past me because I have to wait to turn left (although if a motorcylist starts trying to skip traffic by driving on the shoulder or between cars, I think you have every right to stick something out your window and whack him with it as he goes by!)

4: If you are to unsure of your abilities to drive the speed limit, you probably shouldn't be on that road anymore.

5: The only reason I let you cut in front of me is because my truck is new and in great condition -- several years from now, when it's old and beat up, I will just run you over with it. Keep that in mind.

6: 20+ years of motorcycle riding have taught me to assume that everyone is trying to run into me. Do me a favor and prove me wrong for a change.


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