Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wylde Hogz!

First off, they did finish my bike yesterday, and it purrs like a kitten. Or rather, it purrs like a very large kitten with big long teeth, and a tendency to growl loudly from time to time. The biggest improvement was the total lack of backfiring, and a greatly reduced amount of vibration. Even the new hand grips felt better. Hopefully, as the weather improves, we'll be able to attack the garage full o' stuff, and get our vehicles inside (and my bike nearby, instead of in a storage room in town).

Now to the post title: Yes, me and the missus went to see Wild Hogs. The wife thought it would be amusing, now that I too am a Harley Owner. It was an OK movie I suppose, but it came straight out of the City Slicker playbook. Heck, change the names of the characters, substitute "Horse" for "Harley" and it pretty much does it. The film relied a bit to much on homo-erotic humour -- and seeing the bikes crashing (even if it was only a Sportster) was a little un-nerving to a guy who just spent 10K on a 12 year old bike. It was nice to see Marisa Tomei in a film again, and I liked William Macy. I suppose the only performance I thought was goofy was Travolta's -- the guy has to be one of the most uneven performers around. It's an OK film for a matinee, but I don't think I'd have paid full price to see it.


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