Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

So just what have I been up to lately?

Well, for starters, I'm writing this again. Even with the neat new autosave (even after having manually saved it a couple of times) I leave work, go home to finish this -- and it was gone. So all that typing went to the big old byteyard in the sky, completely bypassing Blogger's safety net.

I'm working less -- the owner went over the books for the store and found he'd lost $50 last month. So he decided to cut my hours and my paycheck $400 a month so he could be profitable again. Never mind the fact that my boss spends too much time traveling back and forth to our store an hour away, and that she and the other gal get way too much overtime. My boss doesn't really seem to care too much, after all, her dad -- I mean the owner -- isn't going to get on her case too much.

I've been trying to tame my yard -- it's a fairly new house (<1 yr old) and the front was sodded, while the sides and back were seeded. Unfortunately, the side over by the driveway has never come in very well. I've tried all sorts of stuff this year to fix it, new seed, fertilizer, watering, patchmaster -- all that has come up is crab grass. Plus it's spreading to the sod in the front (there are still a lot of vacant lots in our neighborhood where this stuff runs wild). I have my work cut out for me.

We've been working on the garage -- we'd really like to get at least 1 car in the garage this winter, and my Harley out of the storage room. It has been extremely hot lately, and after about an hour you have to stop for the day. But not anymore, we have a portable air conditioner unit we bought one year when the central air quit on the house in Marion -- that unit is now in our garage bringing the temperature and humidity down to workable levels. We just have to keep the doors closed.

The praise band at church has been invited to play at the Gospel /Hospitality tent at this years Pony Express Days. We all agree on 2 things -- Yes we want to play, and No, we aren't playing Gospel music. We tend to like things a bit more contemporary than that...

So that should catch everyone up. Next time I'll see if I can't come up with a more typical rant and rave.


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