Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Christmas Story (repost from last year)

About 2000 years ago (around 3 B.C.), during the time a man named Cyrenius was governor of Syria, the Roman emperor Cesar Augustus called for a census of the empire so he could issue a tax. Everyone living in the empire was required to return to their ancestral home in order to take part in this. So, a young couple living in the town of Nazareth named Joseph and Mary traveled the 70 miles to their ancestral home Bethlehem, because they were descended from the line of King David. At the time, Mary was pregnant and nearing her due date, and at the end of the long trip the only shelter they could find was in an animal stable (all the other places to stay were filled with other people returning home for the census). While they were there, the time came for Mary to deliver, and she gave birth to a son. They gave him the name Jesus, she wrapped him in cloth, and arranged a bed for him in the hay in the feeding trough.

As this was happening, there were shepherds outside of town watching their sheep grazing during the night. Suddenly an angel appeared in front of them, giving them the scare of their lives. But the angel told them they had no need to be afraid, because he had come to them to tell them some wonderful news. The long awaited Messiah had been born in the nearby city of Bethlehem. They could find the Saviour of the world in a stable in town, resting in the hay of a feeding trough. After he had said this, the heavens opened before the shepherds, and thousands and thousands of angels began singing praises to God and his glory, and wishes of peace on the Earth. When the songs had ended the angels returned to heaven, and the Shepard's decided to find the child that had been the reason for such an announcement. They went to town and when they found everything exactly as the angel had said, they knelt and worshipped and praised the child. After they left, singing praises as they went, Mary thought quietly on the meaning of it all.

8 days later, the new family travelled up to the temple at Jerusalem to follow the practices mentioned in the Law (offering for the first born, sacrifice for the uncleanliness of Mary's pregnancy, the bris, etc...). While there they met up with Simeon and Anna -- Simeon was both old and very righteous, and was promised by God that he would live to see God's salvation for the world -- Anna was a woman who had spent most of her adult life as a widow, who spent all of her time serving and worshipping at the temple. Simeon recognized the child as the one he had been waiting for all his life, and after praising God, he blessed the child and his mother, and also gave some prophetic warnings of His future. Anna went around praising God and sharing the news with those who where there at the temple.

Meanwhile, far off in the east (possibly in Syria) there were several wise astrologers and scholars, studying the skies and seeking wisdom. They noticed when a new star appeared in the far west, an event that the ancient texts foretold would indicate the birth of a new and powerful ruler for the country of Judea. They decided to make the long journey to visit this child, and honor him with gifts worthy of a king -- gold, expensive perfumes, and expensive spices. Back in Bethlehem, time had passed, the census crowds had returned home, and Mary and Joseph decided to remain in town. They found a home where Mary could care for baby Jesus, while Joseph resumed his work as a carpenter.

The wise men finally reached Judea, and going to the capital (Jerusalem) went to the court and asked where the new new king of the Jews was, so they could honor him. This was a bit of a surprise to the old king of the Jews, the Roman appointed King Herod, and he was more than a little concerned. He took the wise men's question to his scribes and scholars, and they reported that the scriptures said He would be born in Bethlehem. So Herod gave the wise men the news, as well as an instruction to return and tell him so he too could "honor" the child. The wise men went to Bethlehem, and by following the star that started their journey, found the house where the child and his parents were living. They presented their gifts, and on the advice from a vision from God, returned home without visiting King Herod first. When Herod found out, he was furious! He ordered all the male children in Bethlehem 2 years old and under killed (Herod was famous for murdering any possible rival to his throne). Joseph, Mary, and Jesus had already left for Egypt though, warned by a similar vision as the wise men. They stayed there until Herod finally died (unpleasantly, if I remember correctly), then they returned to their old home in Nazareth.

And that, my friends is a relatively, chronologically accurate story of the birth and early childhood of Christ. Doesn't quite match what you're used too? Then read the book for yourself.

And have a Merry Christmas...


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