Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ok, the best subject line was already taken... -- "3 Girls for Every Boy". Still, since this is my place to pontificate on matters, I shall do so about the big Polygamy scandal. Yes, I know this is a lame opening - sorry.

First, I want to know why feminist aren't yelling about this from the rooftops. This whole "religion" is really nothing more than an organized way for a group of men to enforce complete control over other people. Don't believe me? How about someone who actually was a part of it. Carolyn Jessup is a 6th generation member of the FLDS and for 13 years was married to one. She escaped, and wrote a book called "Escape" (If you don't have time to read the whole book, excerpted the juicy bits). I gotta tell you, after reading that, I can't help but think the whole lot of the men should be castrated and emasculated, and the women -- first, Unibrow needs to see a stylist. Well, they all need to see a stylist, but especially Unibrow. You know which one I'm talking about - she's always on TV begging to get her children back because "we're perfectly normal average people, who just don't watch TV", and if they stay away too long, someone might start deprogramming them. The boys might as well stay away forever - they'll get kicked out eventually anyway, because the old perverts in charge see them as competition for the fresh meat. I've seen interviews with people who practice and support "Cohabitation", but that isn't what's going on here - these people aren't polygamist because they love each other. It's a way for the men in power to show just how much power they have. In fact, they aren't men - they're walruses. They keep their harems, and physically chase out the young males who might want a mate of their own.

These guys are a perverse opposite of the fundamentalist, radical muslim whack jobs that think they'll get 70 virgins in heaven. The FLDS men get higher heavenly positions by having more wifes on earth.

And they're just as big of whack jobs too. I wonder if Warren Jeffs (the FLDS leader who's been jailed for pimping out children to his favorite cronies) has found any new spiritual wives there in prison...


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