Day 4

What Day is this? I begged and pleaded to spend one day at one altitude so my ears could settle down. I'm not the only one a little tired, so we spend the day at the ranch. We watch tv (or at least Laura does) and take naps. Bob wants to make spaghetti, but Ken and Louise have already started making baloney and cheese sandwiches. Rosa comes back from work, and we start watching lots of wedding videos, including Bob and Rosa's 25th anniversary wedding ceremony -- complete with running commentary for the catholic impaired (the rest of us are all Southern Baptist). Rosa brought out her dress -- she's about 4'6" -- the dress is almost 20'. It wasn't as bad as Princess Diana's dress, but close. We also see the video for John's wedding (which prompted this trip in the first place), and one from Wayne's wedding several years ago. We have a cookout -- mainly because it feels cooler outside. The thermometer in the sun said 98 degrees, but around in the shade and the breeze it was quite nice. And hopefully, the pilot light on the water heater won't go out, and I won't have to take a freezing cold shower the next morning.

Oh, it was Tuesday.


Day 5

intro | day1 | day2 | day3 | day4 | day5 | day6 | day7 | home at last