Home at last

After a very long night's rest (oh it was nice to sleep in my own bed again) Sharon calls the number we got from the airline -- they found the bag, and will put it on a commuter flight to Decatur, it should arrive a little afternoon. Before we can call the airport, they call us -- they have the bag, where should they send it? We give directions --

12:15 p.m. Sharon's suitcase arrives in a taxi cab -- It went to Memphis to see Elvis. Our ordeal with Northwest is finally over. If we ever go to St. Paul again -- we're driving.

It's been almost 6 months since our trip to Bob and Rosa's, and Laura still can't wait to go back. She also seems quite anxious to go back to see Uncle Leroy, but that was another trip.....


intro | day1 | day2 | day3 | day4 | day5 | day6 | day7 | home at last