Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Caught up in the Web...

In case you haven't noticed it off to the side, I've been using a lot lately. It's kind of like blogger, but for people with short attention spans. And like blogger, I have two of them going -- one for the real me, and one for something else. In blogger, the something else is whatever I feel like sending from my cell phone -- in twitter, it's the musings of the poor guy who has to keep track of all the dead red shirts from the Enterprise. I'm not the first person to do this, Darth Vader is probably the most famous -- though most of the Star Wars/Star Trek universe is covered now. I am at least trying to stay chronological with it -- I've got 3 years of original series, I am working on getting the animated series -- then there's the movies. I have plenty of material to work with, just have to try to keep the stardates in line.

I've also got a second myspace page going -- one for me, and one for my musical efforts. The music page doesn't get nearly the attention, although once I finally make good on my threats to put the studio together and start recording again it will grow. Of course, I'm still being annoyed with people more interested in using me to spam than actually dealing with me as a person -- those folks get denied and/or blocked. I've had a few just wanting to add me to their list to add me -- so why not.


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