Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Unrepentant Sinner

That's what I call Jesse Jackson. It somehow seems sacrilegious to call him the Reverend Jesse Jackson, seeing how he seems to feel no remorse at being the most public hypocrite around. I used to think he was almost cool - especially after this

Of course, a lot has changed since then. He and his organization invaded my town after a group of young black men were caught on tape causing a major riot at a high school football game. They were expelled, and his group descended to protect their right to wreak havoc amongst innocent students. Then there was the little matter of his adulterous relationship with an employee, and the bastard child that resulted from it. Other pastors are run out in disgrace, Jesse just claims it's nobody else's business and keeps going.

Until the first African American presidential candidate states that perhaps life would be better for the African American community if Black men would stick with their families and the children they father. Since the unrepentant sinner, Jesse Jackson is one of those black men who fathered a child and didn't stick around, he felt guilty. How dare someone from the community He (thinks) he is in charge of imply that he might not be perfect. So he decides to vent about it to a sympathetic ear. Too bad for him there were other ears listening too - his (less than Christian) comment was recorded for posterity, and broadcast around the country. Ooops.

The irony for me is - well, it goes back to his invasion of our town. He tried to convince the country that our community was railroading these boys out of school. It was our fault they turned out like they did. A lawsuit was filed on behalf of the 7 boys and their families. On the legal document it read something like this:

Mrs. Boy number one, on behalf of Boy number one
Mrs. Boy number two, on behalf of Boy number two
Mrs. Boy number three, on behalf of Boy number three
Mrs. Boy number four, on behalf of Boy number four
Mrs. Boy number five, on behalf of Boy number five
Mrs. Boy number six, on behalf of Boy number six
Mr. and Mrs. Boy number seven on behalf of Boy number seven


The Decatur Public School System

Do yo see the pattern? Do you suppose some fatherly influence may have prevented the riot? Do you suppose the unrepentant sinner, Jesse Jackson is just as guilty as Mr. Boy number one through Mr. Boy number six? Not that I like Barack Obama (he's a Chicago politician, the worst possible kind), but he's a lot more right here than the guy who wants to cut his nuts off.

Maybe the unrepentant sinner, Jesse Jackson should have cut his own nuts off before committing adultery and fathering his own bastard child.


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