Little Willie's senseless ramblings

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Alec Badman

You know, I can sympathize with a guy who has a hard time seeing his kids -- I missed mine whenever they went down to visit Grandma and Grandpa, or go up to visit their cousins in Wisconsin. Of course, I know they'll be back soon enough, and that I should enjoy the quiet while I have the chance. Of course, Alec Baldwin doesn't know that his daughter will be back in just a week or two -- and worst, there's an ex-wife who is reluctant to let him see her much at all. So I could completely understand a verbal tirade called into his ex wife's phone telling her how awful and useless she is. I could even almost understand a call to his daughter's telephone telling her how awful and useless her mother is. But I would rather rip the tongue right out of my skull than call my daughter and say what he said to his daughter. Frustration is no excuse -- in fact it makes Kim Bassinger's claims against him all the more believable. Of course, since Alec is a left-wing, liberal darling, Rosie and company had him on The View trying to sooth his tortured and abused soul. He did this to bring attention to "Parental Alienation Syndrome" where the custodial parent (mom) badmouths the other one (dad) to cause the child to not want to see them. Of course, whether this is a real syndrome or just another example of the Woe is Me victimization culture has yet to be determined.

Besides, with behaviour like that, Kim Bassinger wouldn't have to do anything. Not anything at all...


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